Podcasts and Interviews
I spoke with Helen Bauer from The Heart of Hospice about the myths and misconceptions people have relative to hospice. I hope that what we share in this conversation offers you clarity and removes fear.
Podcast with Johanna Lunn from When You Die. Johanna and I talked about life, death, grief, rituals and ceremonies, and everything in between... It was such a powerful conversation. She also asked me some great questions that I think you might be very interested in hearing my answers to.
Link: https://whenyoudie.org/wyd-podcast-with-gabby-jimenez-rn.../
The Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation invited me to present a hospice master class for them. This was a shorter version of the class I present in-person to local communities and elder facilities, as well as over zoom. This presentation might be helpful if you are navigating a terminal illness or caring for someone who is.
Link: https://youtu.be/ytJt6KS1cWU?si=idCZ4rrtPLNz1Jkn
Diane with Best Life Best Death and I had a conversation about having the difficult conversations with the people we love about what matters most to them at the end of life. Talking about it allows another person to honor your wishes, and gives you the chance to honor theirs. We both recognize the significance of our words... things said in the past, things not said, things we wish we didn't say, and especially the last words we said before someone died. We are both in agreement that having the honest conversations earlier on, before a diagnosis is given, can often improve the way we live our lives.
I had quite a conversation with Spiritual Medium Helen Peacock of "Spirit Chat." We talked about the disconnect that happens often with family members when someone is dying, the importance of having the "conversation" with the people you love about your wants and wishes, and we also talked about the visions and visitors that people have when they are dying. You won't want to miss this one, this conversation was powerful.
Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=7Xxp0UVZePE&feature=shared
I had a wonderful conversation with Dr. Karen Wyatt from End of Life University. In this conversation, we share our thoughts about how to support family caregivers through some of the overwhelming issues they face while caring for a loved one. We address our concerns for the well-being of family caregivers and offer some tips for improving their experience with hospice and easing their subsequent grief after death occurs.
We had a wonderful conversation with The Heart of Hospice about our book “The Doula Tool Kit.” In this conversation, you will find out our intention behind the book, what we hope people will take from it, and how it felt to collaborate with one another to write this beautiful book.
Bold Journey article - https://boldjourney.com/news/meet-gabby-jimenez/
“White Sands” of La Jolla, End of Life Planning Committee Lecture Series - https://youtu.be/wNKlDhA9xkQ?si=DkemisgBCsjlshs5
Ask a Death Doula with Merchant's House Museum - https://youtu.be/Docg_iV004k
Comforting Closure: Beyond Fear: Understanding and Comfort in the Final Journey
Canvas Rebel Magazine article - Meet Gabby Jimenez - CanvasRebel Magazine
The Bucket podcast and article.
Podcast: https://thebucket.com/podcast/gabrielle-elise-jimenez-best-three-months/
Article: Gabrielle Jimenez: The Bucket Interview
The Dishing Doulas Podcast - Ep 04 Gabby Jimenez, Medical Aid in Dying and the Experience of a Hospice Nurse/Doula
End of Life University - Ep. 441 The Doula Took Kit: A Guide for EOL Doulas with Diane Button, Gabby Elise Jimenez, and Angela Shook
The Heart of Hospice Podcast - Gabby Jimenez Offers Guidance on Medical Aid in Dying in Her New Book
Another podcast interview with Diane Hullet of Best Life Best Death, only this time there were a few more guests. Please listen to Diane Button, Angela Shook, and myself as we talk about our new book The Doula Tool kit:
Listen here: Podcast #118 Three Doulas and The Doula Tool Kit – Diane Button, Gabby Jimenez and Angela Shook
Compassion and Choices interviewed me for their National Hospice and Palliative Care month segment:
After taking my Ritual & Ceremony class, which focuses on forgiveness of self and others, Rachel Jones of SevenPonds wrote this beautiful article titled "The Power of Rituals for Healing Grief and Loss"
The Best Life Best Death Podcast with Diane Hullet - #106 Dignity Day: The Experience of Choosing Medical Aid in Dying for Individuals and Families
Podcast interview with Dr. Karen Wyatt of EOL University - Ep. 417 Dignity Day: A Guidebook for Medical Aid in Dying with Gabrielle Elise Jimenez
Christine Soza of Death over Tea podcast - Listen Here
The Heart of Hospice Podcast - Natigating Death with Gabby Jimenez of The Hospice Heart, Episode 169
I had the honor of being one of the panelists for The Hemlock Society of San Diego on the discussion titled "When is it time to die?"
There are three of us presenting in this discussion, with a variety of different topics that I think will be
educational, informative and helpful for anyone whether they are perfectly healthy, recently diagnosed, or
currently navigating a terminal illness. I encourage you to watch all the way to the end so that you do not miss anything.
Podcast The Next Room with Jane Asher. Watch Here: The Hospice Heart with Gabby Jimenez
I was invited to join a roundtable discussion with two other end-of-life doulas. Our conversation began with our thoughts on what “conscious dying” means to us, how we feel about Medical Aid in Dying, and how we guide and support someone on their journey. LISTEN HERE
A wonderful Podcast with Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County where I share my tips and tools, and my five core principles relative to providing end-of-life care. This is a wonderful offering that would help anyone providing end-of-life care. WATCH HERE
Before, During, and After Death -- The difficult conversations. View Recording
New podcast with Barbara Karnes - EKR Foundation Community Outreach - Barbara Karnes & Gabby Jimenez - Dec 6th, 2022
I am really, really proud of this conversation with Jennifer Cormier of “Walk Through Grief with Grace.” In this podcast, we talk about compassionate, heart-centered end-of-life care, Medical Aid in Dying, grief, all the ways I feel human beings should be cared for at the end of life, and how we in general could be better humans…
I absolutely love that I was invited to be a part of this project with Shelly Roby and “Into the Living Room.” I invite you to listen … and be inspired to live this life now… fully, fiercely, and beautifully. Preparing the Portal — INTO THE LIVING ROOM
Lisa Pahl, hospice social worker and co-creator of the The Death Deck, did a FB Recording: Coping with grief during the holidays, watch it here!
I had the pleasure of being on Best Life Best Death's podcast with Diane Hullet. Diane and I had a great conversation and answered some hot end of life related questions. You don't want to miss it!
#55 Gabrielle Jimenez - What Would Gabby Say? by Best Life Best Death
I had the honor of being a part of the speaker series for the Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County. My focus was on heart-centered end of life care. I talked about the five core principles I try and follow relative to the care I provide, and I handed over tools to help anyone who is providing care to someone who is dying.
I invite you to watch this recording.
I had another wonderful conversation with Barbara Karnes. A very special "thank you" to the Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation for making these moments possible.
I partnered with The Heart of Hospice, Lisa Pahl, a hospice social worker, and Isabel Stenzel, a bereavement counselor and put together a six-part series on grief.
Help for Your Grieving Heart Series, Part 1, Heartbeat Episode 276
Grief Series with Isabel Stenzel and Gabby Jimenez, Heartbeat Episode 277
Help for Your Grieving Heart with Lisa Pahl of The Death Deck, Part 3, Heartbeat Episode 278
Help for Your Grieving Heart with Lisa Pahl and Gabby Jimenez, Part 5, Heartbeat Episode 280
Help for Your Grieving Heart Series Wrap Up with Gabby Jimenez, Heartbeat Episode 281
Are you curious about Medical Aid in Dying? This is a great interview with "Dying Your Way," where we discuss the facts, the requirements, and clear up any misconceptions you might have.
Please watch this wonderful conversation between Barbara Karnes and I.
You will have some "ah-ha" moments and many hospice/end-of-life take-aways.
I had a wonderful conversation with The Rainbow Bridge Connection about how animals grieve the loss of someone they love.
This is an interview I did with the Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation about my new book, "At the Bedside". I was honored to be invited to be the first author to start their author series. I talk about how I feel all human beings should be cared for when they die, I read from my book, and I also talk about grief and grieving.
Please listen to this interview I had with Dr. Karen Wyatt. Whether you work in end-of-life care or are currently sitting at the bedside with someone who is dying, this interview is really good to hear.
Ep. 319 At the Bedside: Tools for Caring for the Dying with Gabrielle Elise Jimenez RN
Are you wondering what the difference between a hospice nurse and an end-of-life doula is?
This is an article I did: end-of-life-doula
I was honored to be invited by Mission Hospice to do their author talk about my new book, "At the Bedside."
This was a wonderful, heartfelt and somewhat emotional conversation about the work we do
and how passionate I am about it.
I had a wonderful conversation with Saul & Joe of The Hospice Chaplaincy Show. It was a beautiful conversation about end-of-life care, hospice during COVID
and the joy and passion that fills my heart doing this work. Please listen :)
A Conversation with Gabrielle Elise Jimenez- a hospice nurse, blogger & author
I collaborated with Lisa Pahl and Jennifer O'Brien to talk about grief.
This conversation is insightful, personal, honest and incredibly helpful.
I had the extraordinary opportunity to be invited to speak on a panel with Zach Bush.
The topic of conversation was: Death, Dying & Rebirth.
This is an article I wrote for The Bucket about how I navigated the first year of COVID.
Episode One - At The Bedside
A new series with Kimberly C. Paul. "The Difficult questions."
Episode Two - At The Bedside
"Guiding families in the last days, hours and minutes before death."
Episode Three - At The Bedside
"Volunteers; The gentle whisper at the bedside."
I had a wonderful interview with Valerie Armand of Mortal Musings out of New Orleans. She really opened up the feels, and got me talking about some deep and personal stuff.
I was blessed and honored to sit down with Barbara Karnes and have a conversation. She is as lovely as you would imagine, she inspires me in so many ways, and I like her. A LOT! This was a great interview!!!!
I had an absolutely AWESOME interview with Kimberly C. Paul from the Live Well, Die Well Tour/Death by Design podcast... check it out!!
The Beautiful Dying Expo
I have had a few interviews with them.
We have covered some great hospice topics, such as: EOLOA/the End of Life Option Act, visions people see near death, and the most recent was a panel discussion with the hospice team.
Please visit the following links:
"The Heart of Hospice" with Jerry and Helen.
I always enjoy sharing time with them.
There are a lot of "feels" in this interview!!!
Lisa Jones, the Millionaire Medium
Cheryl Jones on Good Grief Radio
"Bored Panda" shared an article of mine that went viral.
Hospice Nurse Shares A Story Of How A Dying Man Saw His Dogs And People Appear In The Room
I was asked to be a guest on "The Heart of Hospice" podcast.

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