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Writer's picture Gabrielle Elise Jimenez


I think too much, sometimes I overthink too much.

I try really hard... sometimes too hard.

I cry... easily... sometimes for no reason at all and sometimes for reasons I keep to myself.

I sometimes feel lonely despite always being surrounded by many.

I am happy.

I am sad.

I am scared... often.

I love deeply, passionately, and with every ounce of my being and sometimes it feels like it's too much and other times it feels like it's not enough.

I laugh at the silliest things and sometimes when everyone else laughs... I don't get it... sometimes I pretend that I get it and laugh anyway.

Sometimes people really disappoint me, and they never know because I just accept it for what it is and never say a word.

Sometimes I say how I feel and share my feelings... because I am told that is the best way to be... and it backfires.

Sometimes it works out perfectly and everything comes together, and feelings aren't hurt, and all is okay (I like those times the best).

I do the best that I can... it's all I've got... and sometimes... I realize it's not enough.

I realize that every day is a new day, and we have a chance to make it better than the day before, it's all we can do.

We are human

We make mistakes

Sometimes we are weak and sometimes we are strong

We might screw up, but chances are those days are rare in comparison.

The best thing we can do is surround ourselves with people who get that, and accept us just the way that we are... I am lucky in that I do.

So having said that... I want to say "thank you" to those of you who get me, or at least accept me... just the way that I am (and just the way that I am not) ... I appreciate you!!!

We are human, we are unique and we are different, we make mistakes, we learn, and we grow... that is life... sometimes it can be really hard, but sometimes... it can be amazing. Don't stop seeing the amazing parts.



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