When my sister died several years ago, I didn't get to say goodbye. I didn't get to tell her all the things I wanted her to know. I know she knew how much I love her, and I know she felt the same, but I wish I had said it more, and I wish so badly I could have said goodbye to her. And when my brother died, the last thing I said to him was, "I'll see you tomorrow," because I honestly thought I would. I didn't get to say goodbye to him, and he didn't get to say goodbye to me. It's one of the heavier lumps that keeps me weighted down in my grief.
And then one night I had the most wonderful dream...
"The Best Dream I Ever Had"
by Gabrielle Elise Jimenez
I had a dream last night and you were there
I couldn’t see you
I couldn’t hear your voice
But you were everywhere
I felt you in the wind
That wafted through the trees
And then I knew why you were there
You came to say goodbye to me
I pulled myself together
I told you it was okay
And I gave you permission
To tell me what you came to say
And while I never heard your words
I knew they would make me cry
You came to say you were sorry
For never saying goodbye
And when I woke up the next morning
I was a little less sad
I felt peace inside my heart
It was the best dream I ever had
by Gabrielle Elise Jimenez